What Biplane Does

Biplane Productions helps auction companies look like a reliable marketplace to potential buyers and marketing experts to potential sellers.

The three-step process looks like this:

Clarify their message for targeted audiences.

This step includes a lot of questions to determine the ideal buyer profile and the best strategy to get in front of them with disruptive media. I work backwards from the audience instead of from the auction/auctioneer. I emphasize what the audience wants to see—sometimes at the expense of what the auctioneer wants to see.

Communicate that message well.

Depending on the campaign, I help auctioneers apply their strategy to direct mail, newsprint, Facebook distribution, signs, and more. I help build brand recognition in the marketplace through clean design with a consistent look. Ideal advertisements are sparse with information, driving interested buyers and sellers to my clients’ websites for detailed content.

Measure that media.

The marketplace offers a bevy of free or inexpensive tools to track the effectiveness and efficiency of media—either by category or individual iteration. The long-term results of this constant measurement helps my clients choose the most efficient media for future campaigns, and that data helps them educate sellers of all ages to changing market trends.

Click here to email Ryan.
