
Biplane Productions exists to help you make bigger commissions by driving more motivated buyers and sellers to your website—your online marketplace. Biplane Productions has been helping auctioneers with award-winning print design since 2002 and with efficient & effective Facebook since 2014.

Ryan at his TV commercial shoot in Los AngelesRyan has taught at multiple state and national auctioneer associations’ gatherings since 2005. He taught marketing from 2012 to 2017 at the Certified Auctioneers Institute. He co-wrote the curriculum for and co-taught in the Auction Marketing Management designation course from 2014-2018. He’s written articles for a half dozen trade publications and for the OPEN Forum by American Express.

Ryan has been married to Crystal since their beach wedding in September of 2000, has officially been a dad since November of 2021, and has been a member of the 7 continents club since January of 2018. He’s the author of Hurt and Healed by the Church, Scared to Life, and Word on the Street. You can hear his interviews of fellow adventures on the Everyday Adventures podcast. He posts his non-auction dispatches over at Explorience, a place where physical and spiritual adventures collide.

You can watch and/or listen to his most recent media appearances HERE.

(434) 544-1524
Find me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn
Click here to email Ryan!
